

adminadmin 报建百科 2024-04-24 191 18


  • 1,中文转译英文
  • 2,threequarters的英文意思
  • 3,联合国宗旨的英文翻译
  • 4,冰箱的英语怎么写
  • 5,再别康桥英文翻译


My side has a dog
There are a group of dogs nearby me
a dog
There are too many dogs around me
A group of dog beside me


不同的地方不同的意思,要具体情况而定。一般情况有两个意思:四分之三 、 45分钟!
四分之三 quarter 是四分之一的意思 加了-只是连接而已,两个单词合成为一个名词
四分之三 、 45分钟!
three quarters 四分之三
四分之三 / 45分鐘
adv.[three-quarters]四分之三 看好了,是副词!
四分之三的意思 不加衡杠就是45分钟的意思了


中文: 宗旨: 《宪章》规定,联合国宗旨为:维持国际和平及安全;发展国际间之友好关系;合作解决国际间属于经济、社会、文化及人类福利性质之国际问题,增进对于全体人类之人权及基本自由之尊重;并构成一协调各国行动之中心,以达成上述共同目的。 Purposes The purposes of the United Nations, as set forth in the Charter, are to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these ends.


refrigerator 英[r??fr?d??re?t?(r)]美[r??fr?d???ret?] n. 冰箱; 冷藏库; 制冰机,冷冻机 a refrigerator in which food is frozen and stored for long periods of time. 食物冷冻和长期储藏的冷藏库
一、冰箱的英语是refrigerator二、refrigerator音标:英 [r??fr?d??re?t?(r)] 美 [r??fr?d???ret?]三、释义:n.冰箱;冷藏库;制冰机,冷冻机例句:He went to the refrigerator and removed a bottle of wine. 他走到冰箱处拿出一瓶酒。四、复数: refrigerators五、记忆技巧:re 加强 + friger 冷,寒 + ator 表器物 → 冷藏的设备 → 冰箱六、近义词:1、icebox 冰箱2、fridge 电冰箱3、freezer 冰箱4、fridge-freezer 双门冰箱扩展资料:一、词根词缀:1、frigid adj. 寒冷的frig 冷,寒 + id …的 → 寒冷的2、frigidityn. 寒冷;(性)冷淡frigid 寒冷的 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 寒冷;(性)冷淡3、refrigerantadj. 制冷的re 加强 + friger 冷,寒 + ant …的 → 制冷的4、refrigeratev. 使冷却;冷藏re 加强 + friger 冷,寒 + ate 使… → 使…变冷 → 使冷却;冷藏5、refrigeratorn. 冰箱re 加强 + friger 冷,寒 + ator 表器物 → 冷藏的设备 → 冰箱二、词汇搭配:1、subzero refrigerator 零下冰箱2、refrigerator oil 冷冻机油3、refrigerator room 冷冻机房4、gas refrigerator 煤气冷柜5、refrigerator lining 冰箱绝热层,冷库绝热6、electronic refrigerator 电子制冷器,电子冰箱7、electric refrigerator 电冰箱8、refrigerator ship 冷藏船9、refrigerator van 冷藏车厢10、absorption refrigerator 吸收式冰箱,吸收式制参考资料来源:搜狗百科-refrigerator


Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again --by Xu Zhimo Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflections on the shimmering waves Always linger in the depth of my heart. The floating heart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water; In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant! That pool under the shade of elm trees Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky; Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream? To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream To where the green grass is more verdant; Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight. But I cannot sing aloud Quietness is my farewell music; Even summer insects heap silence for me Silent is Cambridge tonight! Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Gently I flick my sleeves Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away
Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again--by Xu ZhimoVery quietly I take my leaveAs quietly as I came here;Quietly I wave good-byeTo the rosy clouds in the western sky.The golden willows by the riversideAre young brides in the setting sun;Their reflections on the shimmering wavesAlways linger in the depth of my heart.The floating heart growing in the sludgeSways leisurely under the water;In the gentle waves of CambridgeI would be a water plant!That pool under the shade of elm treesHolds not water but the rainbow from the sky;Shattered to pieces among the duck weedsIs the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?To seek a dream?Just to pole a boat upstreamTo where the green grass is more verdant;Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlightAnd sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.But I cannot sing aloudQuietness is my farewell music;Even summer insects keep silence for meSilent is Cambridge tonight! ? 请采纳,多谢!




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